Sunday 3 April 2011

Broadland Half Marathon

I entered this race at the last minute as my training schedule said I should have been running 13 miles this weekend anyway. It was also going to be my last practice of a proper race day before Stockholm - though I did allow myself a few pints of Wherry the night before so wasn't quite a full on dress rehearsal. It was a lovely sunny morning, a very scenic course run on undulating country lanes (although the two times we passed the Woodforde's brewery did seem a little like torture) and I was happy with my time, especially as I definitely did it at "long run" rather than "race" pace. I think I am getting the hang of my pacing and feel that my legs and lungs are learning that they can go as far as I tell them to. I also managed to beat my personal best by one whole second after feeling like I hadn't really tried.

My personal race support team (Pippa and Daisy) were brilliant as ever with excellent cheering, driving, energising snack buying and a brilliant post race bacon sandwich and leg massage (Daisy was not part of this).

yes that is actually vaseline on my lense - mmmmm pornographic sandwiches

I think they are going to have to practice their race day photography though (you are just going to have to imagine me just to the right of this photo giving it the cheesy peace signs - let's pretend I look great).

Time : 1:48:01

Position : 110th out of 242

Full results (pdf)

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